Tuesday 26 November 2013

Kanu Nwankwo Fights Malaria With Mozzi Mosquito Repellents

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Former African Footballer of the Year, Kanu Nwankwo has joined forces with Mozzi to fight one of the deadliest killer diseases in Africa, Malaria. The ex-Arsenal FC player, through his Kanu Heart Foundation (KHF), partnered with Mozzi to fight against malaria with its range of Mozzi Mosquito Repellents.

At a media presentation held last week, Kanu, flanked by the executives of the company, disclosed that he decided to be part of the initiative because malaria is a killer disease in the continent.

"Mozzi is a mosquito repellent brand and even though Kanu Nwankwo Heart Foundation is for the less-privileged with heart problems but the biggest problem now in Nigeria and Africa is malaria. So, why not, we can be a part of something that will protect people. I have to put my weight on it so that people can know more about it, buy it and make sure that mosquito does not attack them. I think it is a good gesture," the former Champions League winner with Ajax FC said. 

He further added that, "personally, I am tired of mosquito bites and I believe there are a lot of people who are suffering from malaria. Some of them cannot even afford to buy the recommended drugs, so the Mozzi product which comes in form of insecticide and paints are ideal to keep mosquitoes away and also prevent people from always visiting the hospital.

"The interesting thing is that whatever of Mozzi product is sold, KHF will have some percentage. Also, as long as the foundation is still alive, we pray that the partnership will last forever. For us at KHF, wherever anything good is coming for the foundation, we want to partner."

At the media presentation in Lagos last Thursday, the executives of Paints and Coatings Manufacturers Nigeria Plc, makers of the products, disclosed that the repellents will be on sale from January 2014. 

The repellents come in house paints and insecticides ( mainly used on clothes).

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